
I am an expert

photo We serve as the crucial bridge connecting AI, your expertise, and our valued members.

We believe that sharing knowlegde should be at the center of concerns. No matter where people are, technology must help break down barriers to networking and facilitate exchanges.



Who are you and what is your expertise?

Fill in our registration form and tell us who you are. Your application will be analyzed according to your expertise and geographical area.



dreebz check: analysis of your information

Dreebz performs a check and analysis of the information shared by each expert to validate their registration. This process ensures the reliability and authenticity of the provided information, allowing users to access competent and trustworthy experts.



Validation of registration

Once your account is validated, you can start to offer your availability to answer questions from the dreebz community.

How does dreebz work?

Simple, direct and intuitive

I indicate my availability
Once validated, I propose video conference slots that are visible to everyone and I redirect my clients and prospects to the platform in order to best organise their requests.
I receive requests
My clients, prospects and dreebz users have access to my schedule and can send me a request. I analyse the request and validate it, or not, according to my expertise.
The call
This is followed by a video consultation, which allows me to advise and share my thoughts on the question raised or provide basic legal advice in the space of 30 minutes.
Service provision
Your client can request services such as contract drafting through Dreebz, which simplifies the entire process. The digital interface enables smooth and integrated management of service delivery, from the initial request to the final delivery.

dreebz in Numbers :


240 €

This annual fee grants the expert access to their workspace, allowing them to manage their digital practice. All features related to appointment scheduling, client management, and communication are included. The expert also has access to all tools for managing their organization, in order to monitor the activity of their practice and any other experts associated with it.


Personalized expert rates

Experts have the freedom to set their rates, ranging from free to 300 € for a 30-minute video consultation. This provides transparency for clients, ensuring they know the rate at the time of booking. Payments are made in advance, guaranteeing compensation for experts.


7,5 %

It represents fees for Stripe, Zoom, and administrative and support services. 7.5% of every validated consultation conducted by the expert is deducted. The expert's remaining balance will be paid at the end of each monthly billing cycle. Dreebz will provide you with a detailed statement, and you will send us an invoice, which we will pay upon receipt



You can add up to 16 slots per day via your Dashboard. However, your account is personal and you can’t share it with a colleague. Please read our T&Cs carefully to find out more and avoid any suspension of your account.



According to the pilot projects conducted, experts who start on dreebz carry out an average of up to 10 video consultations per week in the first 6 months. This amount can significantly increase in the medium term. We are at your disposal to share tips on how to capture the maximum audience.

Mobile App

Dreebz is also available on IOS and Android

You can use the Dreebz App and take your video call to the next level.
